I have been hacked. (copy 02)

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Good afternoon! Happy Tuesday!

My mailchimp account was compromised last week which resulted in many of my fantastic clients receiving an email requesting confirmation of account information so I could send you a refund. This email did not come from me. Please disregard the email you received Monday, October 28  from my mail chimp account. This is the account that you normally receive a nutrition related newsletter email from me monthly. I apologize for the confusion and inconvenience. 

I have worked through this breach and I hope that this issue is behind us. Please let me know if you notice anything unusual so I can follow up on it. 

Also....Thank you to all of you who reached out to me to either verify the email or to let me know of the breach. I received so many emails, texts and phone calls.  I sooooo  soooo appreciate each and every one of you! It has been brought to my attention that some of you emailed me and I did not respond. If that was the case then I apologize for that as well, it was also part of the breach. I did receive some emails however some of them never reached me but I know some of you attempted to contact me so thank you to you as well. Any of the emails that I did receive I did reply to. So if you did not hear back from me that means I did not receive it. My policy is to reply to all of my fabulous clients within 24 hours so if you do not hear back from me please reach out again to ensure I have this issue 100% resolved.

Thank you for your patience and understanding during this difficult situation!
Happy Eating!

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