Health Perks from Your Morning Coffee Habit

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It is time to raise your mug in August and celebrate National Coffee Month! Even if you aren’t familiar with this unofficial “holiday,” you’ve surely heard of this age-old debate: is coffee good for you? For years, experts have gone back and forth on the answer to this question. So what’s the final verdict? Well, unsurprisingly, it appears that, like most things, moderation is key when it comes to your daily caffeine consumption. 
For healthy adults with no medical issues, moderate consumption is 2 - 3 cups of coffee a day, which would be equivalent to 300 - 400 mg of caffeine. But remember, this is a general guideline and individual tolerance will vary. This month I am sharing some surprising health perks from your coffee cup! 
5 Perks from Your Morning Brew
5 Perks from Your MorningBrew
  1. Rich in antioxidants. The antioxidants found in coffee provide a variety of health benefits as well as some disease fighting properties. The research is positive in showing the antioxidant power of coffee and how it helps to will help decrease inflammation, improve memory, enhance insulin function. The antioxidants found in coffee include: caffeic acid, caffeine, the chlorogenic acids, eugenol, gamma-tocopherol, isoeugenol, p-coumaric acid, scopoletin and tannic acid.

  2. Brain booster. Coffee has been found to decrease depression as well as improve overall cognitive function. Drinking caffeinated coffee can help maintain and enhance mental alertness and performance throughout the day. Long-term coffee drinkers have also been found to have a lower rate of Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia. However it is important to note, that if you are looking for the brain boosting benefits of coffee decaf will not have the same positive impact.

  3. Enhance athletic performance. For years the topic of caffeine and improved athletic performance has peaked the interested sports nutrition researchers. With over seventy-four studies on caffeine’s use for both endurance and high intensity exercise, caffeine is one the best-test ergogenic aids for sports performance. The caffeine in coffee has been found to help improve intensity and duration of workouts. As a stimulant it also promotes clearer thinking and better focus during exercise or competition. Because each person will respond differently to caffeine, it is important to not assume caffeine (or more caffeine) will make you perform better. While it does improve performance for many, the wrong dose could leave you nauseated, needing to run to the nearest bathroom, or with the jitters. If you are planning to compete in a race or another athletic event and want to try caffeine to enhance your performance, it is important you train with it as part of your routine before competition day.

  4. Boost metabolism. Caffeinated coffee can increase your metabolic rate by 3 - 11%. This metabolic boost can help burn more calories and increase fat burning. Be aware that over time you can become tolerant to these effects, meaning the increased metabolic rate might not be a permanent solution to burning more calories.

  5. Lower risk of diabetes. Drinking coffee appears to reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Researchers at Harvard School of Public Health found that people who drank three or more cups of coffee a day were 37 per cent less likely to develop Type 2 diabetes. Go ahead and drink that extra cup of caffeinated coffee before your workout...not only will you be improving performance and boosting your metabolism, but also decreasing your risk for diabetes.
Low Carb Java Jolt

By Molly Kimball | 

Turn your latte into a more substantial pick-me-up for a breakfast or snack on the go.

Makes 2 servings

  • 1/2 cup 2% plain Greek yogurt
  • 1 scoop low-carb chocolate protein powder
  • 1 cup unsweetened coconut milk
  • 2 teaspoons natural plant-based sweetener like Swerve or Truvia
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/4 cup Cool Brew
  • 6-10 ice cubes

Add all ingredients to blender and blend for 30-60 seconds, until smooth. Serve immediately.
Per Serving: 115 calories, 4 grams fat, 3 grams saturated fat, 50 mg sodium, 9 grams carbohydrate, 2 grams fiber, 6 grams sugar, 14 grams protein.

Once you wake up....
"Once you wake up and smell the coffee, it's hard to go back to sleep." -Fran Drescher
Too Much of a Good Thing?

Although coffee itself is relatively low in calories, the variety of sweeteners and creamers available to add can easily add up. Skip the sugary-sweet syrups and whipped cream topping and try some low-calorie, healthy alternatives to pump up your coffee’s flavor:

  • Opt for a small amount of Stevia, honey or maple syrup instead of refined sugar or artificial sweeteners to sweeten up your coffee
  • Unsweetened organic cocoa powder, vanilla beans, or cinnamon are all healthy way to add a hit of flavor and some health benefits as well
  • Instead of artificial creamers, try coconut or almond milk instead.
Too much caffeine can cause some negative side effects, such as anxiety, headache, and sleep disturbances. Other conditions that can be exacerbated by coffee and/or caffeine include: Fibrocystic breasts, hypertension, insomnia, and GERD. As with anything else, it is important to pay attention to how your coffee and/or caffeine affect your body. If you notice you become more irritable or don’t sleep as well, cut back on your coffee habit and then re-assess how you feel.
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ABOUT SO Nutrition
Stephanie Leipprandt Ouellette, MBA, RDN, LD


Stephanie has been working in the field of nutrition and dietetics since 1995. She earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Dietetics from Michigan State University, completed an Approved Pre-Professional Practice Program at Western Michigan University and earned a Master of Business Administration from Baker College.  She’s been a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist since 1996 and licensed in Texas since 2007.  In 2008, Stephanie earned her certification in Childhood and Adolescent Weight Management. 


Stephanie has extensive clinical & managerial experience, both in corporate settings and in the community.  Now she wants to share her knowledge with you, because most (if not all) nutritional habits begin at home. 

Stephanie and her family reside in Katy, Texas

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