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With the holiday season in full swing, I'm sharing the top go-to healthy habits to feel both physically and mentally strong. Even if these habits are part of your routine, reminders are essential, especially when stress and lack of time can begin to get the best of you.

Implementing these into your life will have you feeling stronger and more energized for the seasonal festivities, while also keeping your physical and mental health in check. If this list seems overwhelming, find one or two that resonates with you and start there. Remember, it's the small but consistent things that make up the recipe for a healthy life.

- Stephanie
Tips for a Strong Season

  • Hydrate. Hydrate. Hydrate. Staying hydrated is essential, not only during the hot summer months but also during this cold holiday season. Working through your lunch to make the after-work party is just one of the many reasons you're more susceptible to being dehydrated.

    Make a conscious effort to fill up a water bottle. Add slices of orange or grapefruit with fresh rosemary for a flavor-infused treat. Before diving into your cup of coffee or cocktail, start with a cup of water.

  • Eat more plants. By eating more plants, like vegetables, fruit, beans, legumes, whole grains, nuts, and seeds, you're feeding your body with natural, immune-boosting foods. A few simple ideas include: make a big batch of vegetable soup to eat during the week, keep a fruit bowl on your counter and desk, stash nuts, and dried fruit in your office draw, and experiment with more plant-based desserts.

  • Make Time to Lift Iron. Notice I didn't say just exercise. While there's no arguing the importance of regular exercise, it can be easy to forget how powerful weight lifting can be. I'm not saying you need to go and compete at the next heavy lifting championship (unless that's your thing). Still, I am suggesting to include weight-bearing activities in your exercise routine. Aim to do at least 20 minutes, 2 - 3 times a week. Not only is weight lifting good for physical strength and bone health, but muscle mass burns more energy. The more muscle you have, the higher your metabolic burn!

  • Practice Yoga and Meditation. There is no arguing that while the holidays are a time for joy and cheer, they can also be very stressful. Carving out time to practice yoga or meditation can be beneficial to both your mind and body during the holiday season.

    Yoga is and effective way to destress because it helps you disconnect from the outside world while reconnecting with your mind and body. Yoga can help manage muscle aches and pains that are associated with stress and long periods of sitting. When it comes to meditation, the general "rule" is the busier you are, the more you need to meditate.

    If the idea of sitting in stillness for an extended period makes you want to run, know that meditation doesn't need to be a time-consuming process. Simply start by letting go of any ideas on what meditation is or is not and instead take 5 - 10 minutes to practice a few deep inhales and exhales. This is believed to help release worries about what you "should do" and allow you to connect with your inner wisdom on the next right step.

  • Find joy and gratitude in everyday moments. Research shows that expressing gratitude can decrease both depression and anxiety while setting an overall positive tone for the day. Have fun, smile more, laugh often, and don't let the stress of the day steal the magic of the season!

What to avoid if you want to feel strong this season
While it's important to share what you can do to feel strong this season, it's also important to give insight on what to avoid. Being aware of unhealthy habits sabotaging your mental and physical success is just as important as creating new ones.

According to Amy Morin, a psychotherapist and the author of 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do, here are five things mentally strong people don't do.

  1. They don't have pity parties. Self-pity causes you to dwell in your problems and stay focused on what's not working in your life.

  2. They don't run from change. There is no denying that change is scary and hard, but being resistant to change only prevents you from growing and evolving.

  3. They don't try to please everyone. Mentally strong people know they cannot make everyone happy. By attempting to do so, they only lose sight of their values, goals, and purpose.

  4. They don't let failure keep them from trying again. Mentally strong people understand that mistakes happen, and things don't always work out in their favor, but this doesn't stop them from trying again.

  5. They don't avoid alone time out of fear. Alone time is vital for both mental health as well as personal growth and development, but it can also be challenging to do. Between the fast-paced society we live in and things that are always calling for our attention, quality alone time can be challenging to prioritize. However, mentally strong people don't fear alone time. Instead, they embrace it as part of the journey to self-improvement.

Featured Recipe
Strawberry Yogurt Bark


  • 2½ cups diced fresh or frozen strawberries

  • 2 cups non-fat vanilla yogurt or flavor of your choice

  • ½ cup melted coconut butter

  • Honey to drizzle optional


  • Line a 9½ x 13 in. rimmed baking sheet with parchment paper.

  • Add 2 cups of the strawberries, yogurt, and coconut butter to a large bowl and stir to combine. Pour the mixture onto the baking sheet and spread into an even layer.

  • Sprinkle the remaining strawberries on top and drizzle with honey (optional). Freeze for 8 hours minimum.

  • To serve, break apart a piece of the bark and enjoy!

Adapted from: californiastrawberries.com
Serving: 3 oz, Calories: 129 cal, Carbohydrates: 15g, Protein: 2g, Fat: 7g, Saturated Fat: 6g , Cholesterol: 1mg, Sodium: 23mg, Fiber: 2g, Sugar: 7g
Be Inspired

"Never worry about the size of your Christmas tree. In the eyes of children, they are all 30 feet tall." – Larry Wilde

About SO Nutrition
Stephanie Leipprandt Ouellette, MBA, RDN, LD


Stephanie has been working in the field of nutrition and dietetics since 1995. She earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Dietetics from Michigan State University, completed an Approved Pre-Professional Practice Program at Western Michigan University and earned a Master of Business Administration from Baker College.  She’s been a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist since 1996 and licensed in Texas since 2007.  In 2008, Stephanie earned her certification in Childhood and Adolescent Weight Management. 


Stephanie has extensive clinical & managerial experience, both in corporate settings and in the community.  Now she wants to share her knowledge with you, because most (if not all) nutritional habits begin at home. 

Stephanie and her family reside in Katy, Texas


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