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Between the long and hot days of summer, backyard cookouts, ice cream splurges, and boozy vacations, the summer is full of opportunities to indulge in good food, have fun - and feel so bloated!

The summer bloat is not that uncommon. Feeling bloated is never fun, and just because you are enjoying yourself doesn't mean you have to leave feeling uncomfortable in your skin. In this issue, I'm sharing a few of my favorite foods and lifestyle habits to beat the summer bloat!

5 Foods that Beat the Summer Bloat

Asparagus. This anti-bloating superfood does more than make your urine smell funny! Asparagus contains natural diuretic properties that help your body flush out excess salt and water. It is also a good source of fiber and prebiotics, which are essential for promoting "good" bacteria in your gut. Maintaining a healthy digestive system is the foundation for preventing and reducing the summer bloat's gas and discomfort.

How to enjoy: Drizzle with olive oil and lemon juice and enjoy them sauteed, roasted, or grilled!

Cucumbers. Made up of about 95% water, cucumbers are great for helping to prevent water retention and reduce bloating. Did you eat a sodium-rich meal? Add fresh cucumber slices to your water, or plan to enjoy cucumbers at your next snack. The potassium and water in this tiny vegetable will help your body eliminate the extra sodium it may be holding. And don't skimp on the benefits of eating the peel! The peel of a cucumber is full of antioxidants quercetin and caffeic acid, both known to help reduce swelling.

How to enjoy: Besides slicing up and enjoying raw, cucumbers are easy to snack on! Replace your favorite chips with sliced cucumbers and dip into a homemade yogurt ranch dressing or fresh guacamole.

Celery. Another veggie with high water content, celery, is considered a natural diuretic. It helps alleviate bloating by increasing urine production, removing excess water and sodium from the body. The fiber and natural sugars in celery help to improve digestion and decrease inflammation, both of which could contribute to feeling bloated and uncomfortable.

How to enjoy: Toss in your salads or enjoy with your favorite nut butter! Another way to enjoy it is to make fresh celery juice!

Fennel. It's the fennel seeds that are most powerful in beating the bloat. Fennel seeds have unique properties that relax the muscles in the intestine, helping to reduce gas, alleviating bloat and discomfort. With a distinct licorice-like flavor, fennel seeds are rich in fiber. They also contain antimicrobial properties and are anti-inflammatory, all of which are essential for creating and maintaining a healthy gut.

How to enjoy: If you are not ready to chew fennel seeds after a meal (practiced by many cultures to help with digestion and prevent gas), you can add fennel seeds to your salads or crush and add to baked goods. Ready to get adventurous? Make fennel tea. Add hot water over a teaspoon of freshly ground fennel seeds.

Green tea. Rich in antioxidants, green tea is most commonly known for its cancer-fighting properties and metabolism-boosting benefits, but it does more! The antioxidants in green tea also boost good bacteria and help digestion, ultimately reducing gas and discomfort.

How to enjoy: Sip on green tea either as a hot or cold beverage. Add fresh ginger and lemon juice for additional anti-bloat benefits!
Lifestyle Habits to Beat the Bloat
  1. Eat smaller portions. Overeating is one of the most common causes of bloating. When you overeat, you are not giving your body time to digest and break down your food.
  2. Limit intake of rich and fatty foods. Fat takes longer to digest than carbohydrates or protein. Therefore, if you overeat at one meal, your body is working harder to break down what you've consumed.
  3. Slow down. By slowing down, you will not only give your body more time to digest the food, but you will also prevent overeating.
  4. Reduce the bubble. The fizz from your favorite sparkling water, seltzer, champagne, or sodas may contribute to an increased feeling of bloat due to the buildup of air it produces. If you are struggling with feeling bloated and uncomfortable, replace your favorite bubbles with green tea!
  5. Limit gum chewing. Yes, you read that correctly. While I don't think there is anything wrong with gum, if you are trying to identify what's contributing to your GI discomfort, check your chewing habit. Chewing gum creates excess air in the belly; too much air creates excess gas, hence the feeling of the belly bloat.
Featured Recipe
Lemon Ginger Celery Cucumber Juice

6 stalks celery, chopped
2 cucumbers, peeled and sliced
1 lemon, peeled and sliced
1 inch piece ginger peeled and minced
¼ - ½ cup water

Add all ingredients with ¼ - ½ cup of water (enough for ingredients to blend) to a blender. Blend until smooth. Using a cheesecloth, strain the juice. Enjoy!
Be Inspired

"Take a deep breath and don’t take any of it too seriously."
- Cher

About SO Nutrition
Stephanie Leipprandt Ouellette, MBA, RDN, LD


Stephanie has been working in the field of nutrition and dietetics since 1995. She earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Dietetics from Michigan State University, completed an Approved Pre-Professional Practice Program at Western Michigan University and earned a Master of Business Administration from Baker College.  She’s been a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist since 1996 and licensed in Texas since 2007.  In 2008, Stephanie earned her certification in Childhood and Adolescent Weight Management. 


Stephanie has extensive clinical & managerial experience, both in corporate settings and in the community.  Now she wants to share her knowledge with you, because most (if not all) nutritional habits begin at home. 

Stephanie and her family reside in Katy, Texas


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