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May is National Blood Pressure Month, which means it's the perfect opportunity to share the abundance of foods, herbs, and spices that promote healthy blood pressure! 

High Blood Pressure, also known as hypertension, is a common condition that affects people of all ages. If left untreated, hypertension can lead to serious health problems like heart disease, stroke, and kidney failure.

If you have high blood pressure, watching what you eat is essential to ensure you are doing your best to manage it. Keep reading to discover how to use food as medicine to promote healthy blood pressure. 


Foods, Herbs, & Spices that Promote Healthy Blood Pressure

Oranges, Grapefruit, & Bananas - Potassium-rich foods, such as oranges, grapefruit, and bananas, help regulate fluid levels and can help to lower blood pressure. Increasing potassium intake can also reduce your risk for heart disease and stroke.

How to eat: Boost potassium intake by including plenty of potassium-rich foods like oranges, grapefruit, bananas, legumes, and potatoes in your meals and snacks to help regulate your blood pressure.

Pro Tip: Besides their potassium content, oranges and grapefruit are good sources of vitamin C. Add freshly squeezed orange juice or grapefruit to your breakfast for an extra nutrient boost. You can also top off a bowl of banana slices with a sprinkle of vitamin C-rich dried fruit like goji berries or currants.

Yogurt - Calcium is vital in healthy blood pressure regulation. And while there are abundant varieties of calcium supplements, it's best consumed from food. Plain, nonfat yogurt is a calcium-rich, high-protein food that can help lower blood pressure. Other calcium-rich foods include salmon, spinach, almonds, figs, and broccoli.

How to eat: Include calcium-rich foods in your meals and snacks throughout the day, such as plain nonfat yogurt with fresh fruit for breakfast, spinach salad for lunch, figs and almonds for a snack, and salmon with broccoli for dinner!

Pro Tip: Limit or avoid cheeses high in sodium, such as blue, feta, and cottage cheese.

Dark Leafy Greens - Foods rich in magnesium, such as dark leafy greens, whole grains, nuts, and seeds, support healthy blood pressure. Magnesium promotes healthy blood pressure, helps regulate blood sugar, and supports healthy muscle and nerve function.

How to eat: Besides eating more dark leafy greens, nuts, and seeds, indulge in magnesium-rich dark chocolate! Yup, you read that correctly! One square of dark chocolate provides 24 percent of your daily magnesium needs.

Pro Tip: Magnesium can also be supplemented in pill form or added to your diet in other ways, such as taking magnesium baths or adding magnesium to drinks.

Apples: The fiber found in apples, apple pectin, has been linked to decreasing blood pressure and supporting a healthy heart. Studies have shown that people who regularly consume apple pectin can see a reduction in both their systolic and diastolic blood pressure readings.

How to eat: For a naturally sweet, blood pressure-lowering treat, top an apple with unsalted almond butter and a sprinkle of dark chocolate!

Pro Tip: While you can add apple pectin to your diet through a supplement, eating a whole apple is the best way to reap the most benefits. Granny Smith apples are exceptionally high in apple pectin.

Herbs and Spices: There are a variety of herbs and spices that have been found to promote healthy blood pressure, including cayenne pepper, chamomile, fennel, parsley, rosemary, oolong, and moderate-strength green tea.

How to eat: Enhance the taste and flavor of your meals, snacks, and smoothies with fresh herbs like parsley or rosemary—spice things up with a dash of cayenne.

Pro Tip: Swap out regular table salt with herbs, spices, and sea salt to add flavor to your dishes without the excess sodium.
5 Lifestyle Tips to Reduce Risk of High Blood Pressure

Making healthier lifestyle or dietary choices can go a long way in helping to keep your blood pressure at healthy readings. Besides incorporating more of the foods listed above, here are additional tips to help reduce the risk of high blood pressure:

-> Aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise daily, either in moderate-intensity aerobic or strength training.

-> Reduce salt and sodium intake, including foods such as:

  • Processed meats such as bacon, deli meat, hot dogs, and sausages

  • Processed and convenience foods high in sodium, saturated fat, and added sugar, such as chips, baked goods, and crackers

  • Fried foods like fried chicken and French fries

  • Canned vegetables, soups, and beans that are high in sodium (choose the sodium or salt-free option instead)

  • Aged cheeses, aged meats, anchovies, pickled foods, sour cream, and cottage cheese

  • Prepare your meals at home as much as possible to reduce added sodium. Limit the frequency of dining out or fast food pick-up.

-> Explore healthy ways to reduce and manage stress levels. It's no secret that stress can cause your blood pressure to increase; therefore, it's important to practice relaxation and stress-relieving activities such as yoga and meditation. Additionally, look for ways to reduce stress in your daily life, such as taking time out for yourself and decluttering your space.

-> If you drink alcohol, drink in moderation, limiting to one drink or less per day for women and two drinks or less per day for men.

-> If you smoke, quit.

By making healthier lifestyle choices, you can reduce your risk of increasing your blood pressure and help keep it in within a healthy range. For a full and comprehensive guide to monitoring, controlling, and reducing high blood pressure, please discuss it with your healthcare provider. Together you can develop a plan for managing hypertension.
Featured Recipe
Stress-Reducing Sweet Treat: Candy Apple


  • ¾ cup water

  • ¼ cup apple cider vinegar

  • 2 Granny Smith apples, sliced with peel

  • 3 oz dark chocolate, 85% cocoa, chopped

  • 2 tablespoons unsalted nuts, such as pecans, almonds, or walnuts, chopped


  1. Line a tray with wax paper and place to the side.

  2. In a bowl, mix water and apple cider vinegar, add apple slices, and let soak.

  3. Place dark chocolate in a microwave-safe bowl and microwave for 30 seconds. Stir, then microwave for another 15 - 20 seconds. Stir again. Heat and stir every 15 - 20 seconds until melted and smooth.

  4. Place chopped nuts in a small dish.

  5. Remove apple slices from the water and apple vinegar soak, pat dry.

  6. Dip apple slice in chocolate and sprinkle with nuts. Place slice on tray with wax paper. Continue until all apple slices are dipped in chocolate and topped with nuts.

  7. Place in freezer for about an hour to allow chocolate to harden.

  8. Enjoy!

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About SO Nutrition
Stephanie Leipprandt Ouellette, MBA, RDN, LD


Stephanie has been working in the field of nutrition and dietetics since 1995. She earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Dietetics from Michigan State University, completed an Approved Pre-Professional Practice Program at Western Michigan University and earned a Master of Business Administration from Baker College.  She’s been a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist since 1996 and licensed in Texas since 2007.  In 2008, Stephanie earned her certification in Childhood and Adolescent Weight Management. 


Stephanie has extensive clinical & managerial experience, both in corporate settings and in the community.  Now she wants to share her knowledge with you, because most (if not all) nutritional habits begin at home. 

Stephanie and her family reside in Katy, Texas


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